Our flight home was good and I went to school the next day still not feeling up to parr. (More like throwing up!) I made it thru the day and the kids were great.
Today is a snow day. We have about 4 inches outside and it was coming down hard with big fat flakes. It was beautiful. Now they are just piddly little flakes. Very unusual to have snow this late in the winter. I love the snow when I do not have to go out in it. And I am prepared! I am making bread today, pot roast, finish up some sewing, crocheting, and clean my house since we were not here this weekend. Yea Snow. We may have one tomorrow because of the temperatures. Really cold. Suppose to get down to 18 degrees! Glad I have nice warm jammies and a great fireplace!
We heard about your snow and have heard that it's coming our way--we're supposed to get 8 inches! It's days like this when I don't mind having nowhere to go.