Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Yesterday

It was spring yesterday. The sky was blue and it was finally 60 degrees! Well it started out at 32 degrees and finally warmed up. I finished at school early, meaning I left before noon for once and when I got home Aly was here and dad was on the couch with still in his bathrobe (he was working). So we took all the dogs for a walk. Artie, Benson and Pepper. It felt really good. Aly took a picture of us with the grand dogs! Hopefully she will post it.
So next we went to a movie. Aly wanted to do something, I wanted to do yard work and Jim sided with Aly. So we saw HOP! It was ok, pretty predictable. I ate to much popcorn and milk duds! I was just going to have pop corn but Aly bought me milk duds because she knows that they are my favorite.
When we got home Aly left and dad and I got to work in the yard. It's a jungle out there. He mowed the top half of the lawn because it is still to wet to do the bottom corner of our swamp land. You all remember that spot huh! I weeded around the small lace leaf maple by the front door. Even tho we worked for only an hour what a difference it makes. I felt much better about the yard. Today I am hoping to go down the driveway between the daffodils and get the weeds pulled.
After dinner last night (I did not eat much because of the popcorn and milk duds) we showered and went to the temple for our temple night. It was really nice.
So up early, the wash is already started and I have my list of things I need to do today and off we go. Looks like the weather might hold off so I may be able to get in a walk in and some yard work. Better hop to.

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