Friday, January 13, 2012

Our New Home

We have been in our new home for about a month now. Our official move in date was the 20th of Dec. It took 2 days with the moving truck. We have been living in a sea of boxes. And we still have more boxes in the storage unit! Jim was able to clear some boxes out of the garage and I am able to get my car in there. The yellow bug and the utility trailer are also in the
garage. And he is getting some things hung up, put away and is trying to make a work space. Plus he is working 10 hour + days.
The kitchen is pretty much put away but there are some quirks that need some
attention. We have a 3 day weekend so maybe we can look into some things. My sewing room is going to need a lot of attention! I have pared down to only 2 extra bedrooms instead of 3. We need to look for a murphy bed so that we have room for guests and sewing.
Come and visit us. We are not quite there in the unpacking but
we would love to see you.

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