Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Done with School

Well I am finally done with school! It has been a very stressful year. I went and splurged today....I had a massage. It felt so wonderful. My neck has really been hurting and I felt that I really needed it. On the way home from my massage I stopped off and bought some fresh strawberries and raspberries from the farm that we usually go to out in Damascus. Ate them all the way back to school where I finished cleaning my room with the help from my good friend Donna and getting it ready for summer school in my room. We then went to lunch and I came home.
Tomorrow Aly is coming over and we are going to start to work on her baby quilt.
I have a lot of stuff planned for my summer break, cleaning my house, cleaning the carpets, sewing, walking pepper every day that the weather is ok to do so (not raining and cold like it has been), sorting out pictures and getting them scanned, looking through content standards in math to figure out how to do that better, taking a nap when ever I feel like it, taking a ipad class next week, going to the beach, shopping and camping. Oh and I will be visiting grand children of course. That goes with out saying. Jim has some time off so hopefully we will do some of these things together.


  1. I'm glad you treated yourself with a massage--you deserve it. I know it won't exactly be relaxing for you, but we're looking forward to your visit!

  2. Woohoo! Congrats on finishing another school year. I would say the massage was well deserved. Sounds like you have a fun summer planned. Glad we get to see you this summer too. :)
