Friday, May 6, 2011

Sad Day

Today was a sad day in my classroom and it started before the kids even got to school. We had what you would call a quick stand up meeting in my classroom. It only lasted for maybe 5 minutes. My principal that I have worked with for 5 years is being transferred. We will get a new principal from one of the schools that is being closed. I really like Cam, he has been very supportive of me and Kindergarten in general, and he helped with the student council that I was in charge of. He is a good leader, professional and fun. I for one, (not the only one in my school) will miss him.


  1. Bummer. I hope you like the new administrator!

  2. That's too bad. I know that the principal can make a big difference in the whole school. I hope the new one is good.
