Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break

I have been at the computer for the last few nights doing report cards for my kiddo's. I am almost all done with the academic portion but still have the comment portion. I could not of done all the testing with out my good friend and retired teacher Donna. She has been a lifesaver. We have so much that needs to be tested that you would not thing that this was a Kindergarten class.
There is so much talk around school about what is going to happen next year that it is getting a bit stressful. So far we have 3 teachers retiring or leaving, and 2or 3 more going to middle school because 6th grade will be a part of middle school now. That means the 5th and 6th grade class will leave our school. I have worked with these kids for a long time in Student Leadership and it makes me sad to see so many of them leaving. I am looking forward to some time off.
Not sure what we are going to do, for the break, hoping to go and visit my niece in her class. Maybe we can go to the beach for a day. Spring Clean!!! Paint some doors and door jams, bake, sew, shop. I was invited to travel to Utah to help with Ivy but because I had already made plans to go up North that did not happen. Sorry. If you do not go let me know. Maybe we could come out and visit you.
Jim had a long day with his ACLS class. He is current for 2 years again. We are holding our breath for the game tomorrow, and our friend Elder Taylor Williams comes home from his mission tomorrow night. We are excited to go to the airport and see him. He is one great kid.



  1. Ivy and I at least aren't going the week of your spring break now. I don't know if we'll go another time or wait until Eli has his next training (problem with that is we don't know when it is). You're welcome to come visit us if you have a couple of days, or any other time you like. Just give us warning so I can make Eli clean the bathroom first! :)

  2. Sounds like you've been a busy girl! Hope you enjoy your Spring Break!!!
