Sunday, September 25, 2011

Good news and sad news

I have good news. I am down to 27 children in my classroom! Yea! They have hired a new teacher (who I know because she has been at the Kindergarten in services in the past) and she is wonderful. We are busing some kids down from a neighboring school and that will start to happen this week. Our numbers should all round out to be about the same. Work was enjoyable, instead of just manageable.
Jim had a good weekend, he was able to go down and visit Ian and Shannon and the grand kids. His main purpose was to go to the BYU game and they won. Go Cougs. That was pleasant because last weekend was really bad. I have no idea who showed up to play ball because it was not typical of BYU.
On Monday evening I took Keren out to dinner and she left for Salt Lake Tuesday morning driving the truck and pulling their trailer by her self. Then she flew out Wednesday for Florida. After I dropped off Keren from dinner I called over to the Morgans to see if it was ok to drop off a book for Dianne. Bryan answered the phone and told me that he found his brother, Jim dead. He was suppose to be at their house Sunday evening for a family gathering but did not show up and Bryan's mom was getting worried because she could not get ahold of him. Bryan went to his apartment on Monday and found him. The funeral was Friday afternoon. It is so hard to loose family members. My Grandma told me once that you knew you were getting old when your family and friends started dying around you. We, Jim and I, knew Bryan's brother just a little, thru the Morgan family get togethers, weddings etc. All of the Morgans came for the funeral and it was good to see Brad, Allison and Trevor again.
I think that tomorrow I will call a realtor. I have 2 that I think I will be able to choose from. I am wishing that we will be able to sell, but don't have to many hopes. I hate the stairs, and I am done doing yard work. There is just to much. If by some miracle we do sell the house, of course we don't know where we would go, some where around here of course because we are both still working..... but you kids had better come and get any of your stuff. I will be purging!

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